Week of Prayer - Day 3 — Passion for Sport

Week of Prayer - Day 3

Day 3 - Practice


Head of Operations Luke Hamilton writes:

Last year we prayed for innovations in ways to reach out with the gospel and intentionally engage people with love, grace, and truth. Praise God for the success of our pilot project at the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham last summer, where we were able to exhibit testimonies of faith in person and showcase stories of God’s love for his believers through obedience to Jesus in our lives. 

Pray also for the blessing of opportunity for those who want to join us to serve in mission. Our partnership with Belfast Met College has given us access to facilities and resources far beyond what we could have ever hoped for and workers on placement over projects now and in the future. We now move forward working urgently with our eyes fixed on Jesus, knowing that the day of His Revelation has not yet come, so there is still work to do.


Digital Media Producer Russ Bravo asks: Please pray for


  • Growth in our contacts through social media

  • Growth in our listening audience to Planet Sport Football Africa on our various platforms

  • Inspiration for blogs on planetsport.tv that tap into current talking points and point people towards Jesus

  • Engagement with listeners through our weekly question

Sample prayers

O Lord, help us make every effort to walk in the humility of Christ. When pride is found in our hearts, let us repent and humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God. In our humility we strive to live your grace, honour one another in love, and continue as lifelong learners of the Word, works, and ways of our Lord Jesus and His kingdom. Amen.

Blessed is the Lord who has all sovereign authority in heaven and on earth, grant me the practice to make every effort to pray and abide in Christ without ceasing. Amen.

Father, please purify us in Your holy fire that we may be vessels wholly surrendered to You and pray to Your perfect will. Glorify Yourself on earth; glorify Yourself in your people. Advance Your kingdom through us, Father. Strengthen our hearts, God, and unify us that we may declare Your praises as one. Powerfully and rapidly spread Your gospel of grace across the earth so that every nation, tribe, people and language may praise You, adore You and worship You forever and ever. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.